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For the launch of our platform we just have two main categories divided into Toys and Tools. We’re starting off this way, as we didn’t want to create an inventory of categories that in the short term would primarily be empty. It would only be frustrating to the user and not very enjoyable. 

We are continuing to work on the categories of course however they’ll likely be modeled after those from our friends at Kijiji. So yes the categories will be growing, but it will take us a couple of years before we’re able to launch with a full inventory of categories like what Kijiji or Craig’s list has now.

One thing we would love to add is of course services. We know of some folks who have chainsaws and wood splitters, however as you can imagine tools like these can be dangerous if handled improperly, however that doesn’t mean that the owners of these tools are not unwilling to rent themselves out as operators of these tools. In fact many folks are often looking for any excuse at all to use their tools, and if they can make a little money in the process to buy more tools, then why not?

Anyway if you don’t see a category for the toy or tool you want to list please let us know and we’ll add it to our list to be integrated into the site as time goes on.